Fashion2Win Simulation: Video Tutorials
How to use it and get the most out of it
This course provides learners with all the key information needed to use Market2Win's Fashion2Win simulation.
The short modules help learners to get started, how to understand the software and how to get the most from the simulation.
You can either do the whole course one-by-one or pick specific lectures to watch separately.
Your Instructor
Edmund is an author, consultant, director and games designer . He has over 25 years of practical experience designing and implementing strategic initiatives for companies around the world. He also develops simulations which are used by many universities and businesses to teach sustainable growth, where he is often seen helping to put the ideas into practice. He is a Teaching Associate at the University of Warwick in the UK, a former Tutor in Strategy at Swansea University and a Judge at various UK and international business awards.
Course Curriculum
StartGetting Started (23:08)
StartBudgets: how to manage them (13:43)
StartDecisions: how to make them (22:38)
StartValue Propositions: how to use them (19:34)
StartMarket Players area (5:02)
StartResearch Reports area (1:52)
StartPerformance area (18:57)
StartTools area (7:44)
StartSupport Documents area (2:43)
StartAccount & Exit areas (3:32)
StartThe DPM Tool: how to use it to beat the competition (33:28)